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Hanna Instruments Worldwide
Contact Hanna: (65)6296-7118

Temperature Testers

In 1995, Hanna Instruments introduced the first Checktemp® thermometers that incorporated a unique calibration check feature used to determine any drift of the internal electronics. A switch was used to place the thermometer in CAL Check mode. If the reading is inside +/- 0.3 °C from the 0.0 °C reference point then the internal electronics are working correctly. Today’s meters do the check at start up to know if the meter is working properly. 

The range of testers available include stick style, folding probes, and weighted probes. We offer both thermistor and K-Type thermocouple technology based on the measurement range needed. Many meters have CAL Check, a certificate stating the accuracy that is traceable to a NIST standard, automatic shut off, and wake on motion. We also offer versions that are EN 13485 certified.